Brands and Influencers

As all of us are aware, influencer(s) these days are making a lot of money online by representing or promoting their desired brands. In other words, they are being #sponsored by the brands to promote them to their followers.

There are a few categories that are particularly famous for brands who are turning to influencers to get them to promote their products. These categories are beauty, food, crafts and decor, fashion, fitness, technology, gaming and entertainment.

However, the question is:

Why do businesses/brand pay influencer(s) to promote their brand/product? 

According to Jeff Foster of Convince and Convert, businesses/brands are making a strong return on investment (ROI) on influencers marketing. It generates about $6.50 for every $1 spent. Besides that, it is the fastest-growing online marketing channel, crushing other marketing strategies like affiliate marketing, paid search and display. It also attracts better consumers through influencer marketing and achieves a strong Return on Investment (ROI)

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Source: Convince and Convert

As traditional as it sounds, word-of-mouth is also the reason why businesses/brands pay influencer(s) to promote their brand/product(s). Brian Salzman from AdWeek says that word-of-mouth is still the “most trusted source of information” for customer’s who are progressively trying to hide or avoid marketing emails or messages that they are flooded with every day. Salzman from AdWeek suggested about 84% of consumers trusted word-of-mouth recommendations from influencers, friends, family and peers. Danielle Wiley from Forbes also says that audiences today are looking for honesty and authenticity and influencers who they can truly resonate with online.

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Source: iiSuperwomanii

For instance, an international influencer promoting International Women’s Day (IWD) through the fashion brand Kate Spade.

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Source: imjennim 

And here’s another international influencer promoting a beauty makeup brand name ipsy to her 1.6 million followers on Instagram.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are constantly flooded with influencers/creators who are constantly using #sponsored or #ad on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and ‘ Thank You X,Y,Z brand for sponsoring this video’ on YouTube for instance on a day-to-day basis.

You may be thinking are the brands getting their desired outcome from these influencers post/content? Maybe, in fact, they might get better customers through influencer marketing. According to Convince and connect, brands get approximately 51% better customers, 38% same customers and about 11% worse customers when they obtained through influencer marketing.

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Source: Convince and Connect 


  1. What about the elderly’s who do not know how to use technology?
  2. What about people who are not on social media to witness the brand(s)/product(s) that are being promoted to them?

Brands/businesses will definitely have to think of other alternatives on how to promote to these people because not all 7.6 Billion people are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube and not everyone has access to these sites either.

I think right now, way too many brands/businesses are turning to influencers to have their brand(s)/product(s) promoted because of how good the outcome is. No doubt the outcome is amazing but if brands/businesses could focus on both; Influencers marketing and promoting to the elderly’s who do not know how to use technology and people who are not on social media, their outcome or ROI will be even better. Because you’re getting the best of both world.

So the question to you is:

  • What are your thoughts on influencer marketing?
  • Do you think it is good for brand/businesses to turn to influencers to promote their brand(s)/product(s)? 

Thank you so much for reading my blog! Let me know what are your thoughts on the comment section right down below! (: