WeChat: The one-stop app!

Happy week 12 everyone! And a huge CONGRATULATIONS on making it to the end of the semester!

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Source: Meme Centre 

In today’s topic, I would like to talk about the one-stop app that is taking over China and that is WeChat!

Image result for Wechat

Source: Indian Express 

  • What is WeChat? 

WeChat is a messaging and calling app that allows you to connect with your friends and family around the world. Besides that, it is also a one-stop communication app that allows you to text, do video and voice calls, share your photo’s as well as Moments.

Now, what makes it so special, you ask?  Let me break it down for you:

1. It allows you to pay bills 



Image result for wechat pay

Source: Quora 

Yes, you read that correctly. According to In the black, it is like a digital wallet where you can make payment in-store for goods and services, top up money for a mobile phone account as well as order goods and track your deliveries all within the app itself. It also allows you to scan a barcode in-store which will lead you to see if this item is cheaper online. WeChat is showing a retail shift where mobile devices are used at the point of sale for retail research. In fact, Sensis Social Media Report 2017 also shows 52% of research is done via mobile devices.

The most amazing part is it allows you to Go Dutch. Meaning, it gives users the function of transferring money to the bill payer. Not only that, the WeChat Payment also allows you to pay utility bills, school fees, repay credit cards or buy wealth management products.

 2. WeChat allows you to book appointments 


Image result for wechat book appointments

Source: Harvard Business School 

Regardless of it being a doctor’s appointment (picture above) or making a reservation at the cinema (picture below), WeChat allows users to do it all. How convenient! The picture above and below shows you the steps on how to make a doctors appointment as well as a movie reservation. Other appointments include applying for visas and checking for a driving license.

Image result for wechat book a restaurant

Source: Ben Evans 

3. WeChat allows users to hail taxis 

Image result for wechat taxi

Source: Tech In Asia 

Just like Uber, WeChat now allows you to hail taxies. However, according to Shanghai-ist, the service is only available in Beijing at the moment but the company is looking to expanding it. The process of how-to hail a taxi on WeChat is very similar to how users can hail a taxi on the Uber app.

4. Send virtual red envelopes that include real money 

Image result for tech asia wechat red packets

Source: Fast Company 

This is especially one of the very popular options during the Chinese Lunar New Year. According to China Channel, during the 2018 Chinese Lunar New Year, there are 688 million WeChat users that either sent or received money over WeChat within a 24 hour period. (You do the math on how much money were sent or received per minute) This just shows how WeChat is definitely utilising the mobile wallets on its app very well.

5. Play games & check their friends status and rankings in Tencent-owned mobile games 

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Source: The Next Web 

Tencent is the parent company of WeChat. So it makes sense if Tencent allows WeChat users to play with Tencent owned mobile games. WeChat recently releases mini-games from its first collaboration with external developers, according to South China Morning Post.  By doing so, they are opening up a new source of income & pipeline of mobile gaming creation.  The WeChat mini-games include WeChat Dash, Thunder Raid, Dragon Warrior, WeChat Speed and many more!

I understand there are few more other things that WeChat can do, but these are some of the top 5 things that you can do just WITHIN the app itself! How amazing is that!

Finally, my question to you is:

  • What do you think about having a one-stop app? Do you think it is a good idea or bad idea? 

Thank you so much for stopping by! All the best for exams! 😊