Easter Egg Hunt Marketing

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog! Hope you’ve had an amazing week thus far!

In this week topic, I would like to talk about Easter Egg Hunt Marketing. 

Over the Easter holiday, as I was just doing some online shopping, I came across a few retailers that are promoting their Easter activities that they were having which is the Easter egg hunt on their online websites.

Now, you would be sitting there thinking this is quite a weird marketing strategy as we’ve all grown up with Easter egg hunt around the house/backyard.

However, I do personally think that this is a very good marketing strategy because I myself did participate in one of the Easter egg hunts and that is for The Daily Edited on their online store.

So, in order to participate the Easter Egg hunt on The Daily Edited Website, here’s what you have to do:

  1. Fill out a Google form with your name & email address.
  2. On the Google form, they will ask you to hunt for the Easter egg from the range of pictures that they provided (Note: These pictures are mostly their featured and popular products)
  3. In order to find these pictures, you would have to search up the product names on their website 
  4. Once you’ve done that, select the pictures and hit the submit button and you’re done. 
  5. The Daily Edited will then email you to notify if you have successfully located the Easter eggs correctly. 
  6. The prize is a $30 voucher 

To find these Easter eggs are not an easy task as they hid the eggs on their website in different categories of their products. Therefore, I had to go category by category to find these Easter Egg.

But after the Easter Egg hunt, I did learn more about The Daily Edited and their products. And I guess the whole idea for the Easter Egg hunt was to allow consumers to learn and get to know more about their featured and popular products on their website.

Another main thing was to get more customers to visit their website and learn about their brand. Because it not only increases the web page visitors count but it also increases consumer awareness of the brand.

However, to use this $30 voucher, there are a few  terms and conditions: 

Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 10.21.06 pm.png

Source: The Daily Edited 

Here’s a picture of the email that I received from The Daily Edited 

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Source: The Daily Edited 

So, my question to you is:

  • Do you like it when retailers have these holiday promotions? 
  • What do you think about the Easter Egg hunt marketing? 
  • Are you generally interested in them? 

Thank you so much for listening and let me know what are your thoughts down in the comment section! I’ll be happy to talk about it with you.